**Devote sth. to doing sth.** 这个短语在英语中表示“致力于,专心于,全心全意地投入到某项活动或某个目标上”。它强调的是将时间和精力专注于某一特定的事物或行为,通常带有长期和持续性的意味。


"Devote" 是一个动词,意为“奉献,致力于”,而 "to doing sth." 是指将某事物或资源投入到做某件事情上。因此,“devote sth. to doing sth.” 的完整含义是“把某物或某段时间用于做某事”,它表达了一种全力以赴,不遗余力的精神状态。


这个短语的基本结构是:主语 + devote + 宾语 (sth.) + to + 动名词 (doing sth.)。宾语通常是时间、精力、金钱、注意力等,而动名词则描述了投入的对象或行为。


1. She devotes all her free time to reading books. (她把所有的空闲时间都用来读书。)

2. The company is devoting considerable resources to developing new products. (公司正在投入大量资源开发新产品。)


1. He devotes every evening to practicing the piano, hoping to become a concert pianist someday. (他每晚都投入时间练习钢琴,希望有一天能成为音乐会钢琴家。)

2. The charity organization devotes a significant portion of its budget to providing education for underprivileged children. (慈善组织将其预算的很大一部分用于为贫困儿童提供教育。)

3. After retirement, my grandfather devoted himself to gardening and grew the most beautiful flowers in the neighborhood. (退休后,我的祖父全身心投入园艺,种出了邻里中最漂亮的花。)


1. **Dedicate**: 与 "devote" 类似,"dedicate" 也表示“致力于,献身于”,但更常用于正式或庄重的场合。例如:“She dedicated her life to the study of ancient civilizations.”(她将一生献给了古代文明的研究。)

2. **Commit**: “Commit” 强调的是对某事的承诺或决定,可能涉及牺牲和责任。例如:“He committed himself to improving his health through regular exercise.”(他承诺通过定期锻炼来改善健康。)

3. **Concentrate on**: 这个短语意味着集中注意力或精力在某事上,但通常不涉及长期的投入。例如:“Before the exam, she concentrated on revising her notes.”(考试前,她专注于复习笔记。)

4. **Focus on**: 类似于 "concentrate on","focus on" 也表示“集中于”,但它可以用于更广泛的情况,包括短期和长期的目标。例如:“The team decided to focus on improving their communication skills.”(团队决定专注于提高沟通技巧。)

总结来说,“devote sth. to doing sth.” 是一个表达全力以赴、专心致志的短语,它强调的是长期且持续的投入。理解其含义和用法,可以帮助我们更准确地表达我们对某事的专注和承诺。