**apply oneself to doing sth.** 这个短语源自英语,意味着全神贯注地致力于某个任务或活动,表示一种持续且专注的努力。在中文中,我们可以将其翻译为“专心致志于做某事”或“全力以赴地做某事”。


"Apply oneself to doing sth." 意味着将全部的注意力、精力和时间投入到一个特定的目标或任务上。这可能涉及到学习新技能、完成项目、解决复杂问题,或者任何需要深度思考和持续努力的事情。这个短语强调的是一个人的决心和专注,表示他们愿意花费必要的时间和精力去达成目标。



1. "He applied himself to studying for the exams, sacrificing his weekends for extra practice."(他专心致志地准备考试,牺牲了周末的时间进行额外的练习。)

2. "After the accident, she applied herself to physical therapy with great determination."(事故发生后,她以极大的决心投身于物理治疗。)

3. "The young scientist applied himself to researching new technologies, hoping for groundbreaking discoveries."(这位年轻的科学家专心致力于研究新技术,期待有重大发现。)


1. **Devote oneself to doing sth.** - 与 "apply oneself to doing sth." 类似,表示全力以赴,但更侧重于奉献和忠诚。例如:"She devoted herself to teaching, inspiring generations of students."(她投身于教育,启发了一代又一代的学生。)

2. **Dedicate oneself to doing sth.** - 强调对某项工作或事业的献身精神。例如:"He dedicated himself to preserving the environment, leading various conservation projects."(他致力于环保,领导了多项保护项目。)

3. **Concentrate on doing sth.** - 这个短语更注重集中注意力,不涉及时间或精力的长期投入。例如:"Before the game, the athletes concentrated on their warm-up exercises."(比赛前,运动员们专注于热身运动。)

4. **Focus on doing sth.** - 类似于 "concentrate on", 强调将注意力集中在特定的任务上。例如:"To improve her writing skills, she focused on reading classic literature."(为了提高写作技巧,她专注于阅读经典文学作品。)
