
"Take to doing sth." 是一个英语短语,它表示开始喜欢或习惯于做某件事情。这个表达通常用于描述一个人在一段时间内对某一活动产生兴趣或者逐渐适应并享受这一行为的过程。这可能是因为新发现的乐趣,或者是通过反复实践而产生的习惯性倾向。


1. 当描述开始喜欢某事物时,例如:

   - "After reading her first mystery novel, she took to reading them every night before bed."


2. 当描述逐渐习惯并享受某种行为时,例如:

   - "He initially found public speaking daunting, but soon took to it like a duck to water."


3. 这个短语也可以用来表示对某种新技能的学习或掌握,例如:

   - "She started learning French last year and has now taken to speaking it fluently."



1. After trying yoga for the first time, I've taken to practicing it daily, finding it both relaxing and invigorating.


2. Since moving to the countryside, he's taken to gardening, cultivating his own vegetables and fruits.


3. The children have taken to swimming lessons, eagerly anticipating each weekend's class.



1. "Grow fond of doing sth.":这个短语也表示开始喜欢做某事,但强调的是情感上的转变,而非习惯的形成。

   - "She grew fond of painting during her summer art camp."


2. "Get used to doing sth.":这个短语表示习惯于做某事,但并不一定包含喜欢的成分。

   - "Living in a noisy city, I've gotten used to the constant sound of traffic."


3. "Develop a taste for doing sth.":这个短语强调对某事物产生了欣赏或喜好,可能是因为它的独特性或价值。

   - "After a few sips, he developed a taste for the strong, bitter coffee."


4. "Become addicted to doing sth.":这个短语则暗示了一种强烈的依赖或沉迷,可能对个人健康或生活产生负面影响。

   - "He became addicted to video games, spending hours in front of the screen every day."


总的来说,"take to doing sth." 是一个灵活的短语,可以用来描述从不熟悉到熟悉,从不喜欢到喜欢,甚至从抗拒到享受的过程。理解其含义和用法,可以帮助我们更准确地表达我们在日常生活中的体验和感受。