**admit to doing sth** - 承认做了某事


"Admit to doing sth." 是一个英语短语,意为承认或坦白已经完成的动作或事实。这个短语中的“admit”指的是公开承认或接受一个事实,而“to doing sth.”表示的是承认的具体行为或情况。


1. 当我们使用 "admit to doing sth." 时,通常是指在某种压力、愧疚或者需要解释的情况下,某人主动或被迫承认他们之前做过的事情。

2. 这个短语可以用于正式或非正式的语境,适用于个人、法律或专业场合。

3. "Admit to" 后面接动名词(动词ing形式),而不是不定式(to do)。


1. After being caught red-handed, he had no choice but to admit to stealing the money. (在被当场抓住后,他别无选择,只好承认偷了钱。)

2. She finally admitted to lying about her qualifications in her job application. (她终于承认在求职申请中撒谎了关于她的资历。)

3. In his testimony, the witness admitted to witnessing the accident but didn't want to get involved. (在证词中,目击者承认看到了事故,但不想卷入其中。)


1. **Confess to doing sth.** - 承认做了某事,与 "admit to doing sth." 相似,但 "confess" 常带有更强的罪恶感或道德上的承认。

   例句:She confessed to cheating on the exam, feeling deeply regretful. (她承认在考试中作弊,感到非常后悔。)

2. **Own up to doing sth.** - 承认做了某事,通常在非正式语境中使用,强调个人责任感。

   例句:When asked, he owned up to breaking the vase without hesitation. (当被问及时,他毫不犹豫地承认打碎了花瓶。)

3. **Acknowledge doing sth.** - 承认做了某事,通常指对事实或影响的确认,可能不涉及错误或罪行。

   例句:She acknowledged making a mistake and took responsibility for it. (她承认犯了一个错误,并为此负责。)

4. **Plead guilty to doing sth.** - 对于法律术语,表示在法庭上承认犯了某个罪行。

   例句:The defendant pleaded guilty to embezzlement and was sentenced to three years in prison. (被告承认了贪污罪,并被判处三年监禁。)

以上是 "admit to doing sth." 的详细解释、用法示例以及相关同义词的辨析。了解这些可以帮助你在不同的语境中更准确地表达承认做了某事的意思。