**In Reply To: 作为对……的回答(答复)**


"In reply to" 是一个英语短语,用于表示对某人或某事的回应或答复。它强调了你正在提供的信息、观点或建议是针对之前提到的问题、询问或评论。这个短语常用于正式或非正式的书面交流,如电子邮件、信件、论坛讨论或文章中。


1. 当你写一封回信时,可以在信件开头使用 "In reply to your letterdated...",表明你的回复是对哪封信的回应。

2. 在电子邮件中,可以使用 "In reply to your email regarding..." 来指出你在回应哪个特定话题。

3. 在论坛或社交媒体上,可以用来回应他人的评论,如 "In reply to your comment about the movie, I think..."。


1. _In reply to your request for more information, please find attached the detailed report._


2. _In reply to your question about the project timeline, we plan to complete it by the end of next month._


3. _In reply to your concern about the product quality, we assure you that all items undergo rigorous testing before shipment._


4. _In reply to your suggestion, we have decided to implement the new policy starting from next week._



1. **Regarding**: 这个词也常用于引出对某个问题或话题的回复,但通常比 "in reply to" 更正式,例如 "Regarding your proposal, we need more time to review it."

2. **In response to**: 与 "in reply to" 类似,但更强调行动或反应,如 "In response to the customer's complaint, we offered a full refund."

3. **Concerning**: 带有一种关注或关切的语气,适用于讨论问题或困难,如 "Concerning the issue you raised, we are working on a solution."

4. **With reference to**: 在正式场合,这个词组常用于指明正在讨论的主题,如 "With reference to the contract, I would like to clarify some points."

5. **To address**: 这个动词短语强调解决问题或回应问题,如 "To address your concerns, we have made changes to our policy."

在选择这些短语时,应考虑上下文的正式程度以及你想要传达的具体含义。"In reply to" 通常是一个通用且表达清晰的选择,适用于多种情况。