**In Opposition To: 与……相反,反对**


"In opposition to" 是一个英语短语,用于表达对某事物或观点的反对或者与之相反的情况。它强调的是对比或对立的关系,可以用来描述观点、行为、意见或状态等的不一致。这个短语通常用在正式或非正式的写作和对话中。


1. 当你想要表示对某个观点或决策的反对时,可以使用 "in opposition to"。

2. 在描述两个事物或情况之间的对比时,也可以用这个短语来突出它们的不同之处。

3. 在论证中,"in opposition to" 常用来引出相反的观点或证据,以增强论点的说服力。


1. The company's new policy is in opposition to the employees' demands for better working conditions.



2. Despite the overwhelming evidence, some scientists still hold views in opposition to the widely accepted theory of climate change.



3. In opposition to popular belief, regular exercise does not necessarily lead to weight loss; it depends on diet and lifestyle as well.



1. **Against** - 这个词是最直接的同义词,常用于表达对立或反对的意思,例如 "She spoke out against the proposal."(她公开反对这个提议。)

2. **Contrary to** - 强调与事实、预期或普遍观点相反,例如 "Contrary to expectations, the sales report showed a decline."(与预期相反,销售报告显示销售额下降了。)

3. **Diametrically opposed to** - 这个短语表示完全相反,强调极端的对立,例如 "Their opinions were diametrically opposed to each other."(他们的观点截然相反。)

4. **Counter to** - 与 "in opposition to" 类似,但可能更正式,例如 "The decision was counter to all advice given by experts."(这个决定与所有专家的建议背道而驰。)