# In Preparation For: 为……作准备

## 释义与用法

"In preparation for" 是一个英语短语,意为“为了……而准备”,强调在某个事件或行动之前所进行的筹备工作。这个短语通常用来描述提前的计划、安排或行动,以确保在关键时刻能够顺利进行。


- "I'm studying intensively in preparation for the upcoming exam."(我正在努力学习,为即将到来的考试做准备。)

- "The team is in preparation for the big match this weekend."(队伍正在为本周末的大赛做准备。)

## 用法例句

1. **日常生活**:

   - "In preparation for the dinner party, I've cleaned the house and cooked some appetizers."(为了晚宴,我已经打扫了房子并准备了一些开胃菜。)

   - "She's been practicing her speech in preparation for the public presentation."(她一直在练习演讲,为公开演讲做准备。)

2. **学术与工作**:

   - "We're conducting research in preparation for the new project proposal."(我们正在进行研究,为新项目提案做准备。)

   - "Employees are undergoing training in preparation for the implementation of new software."(员工们正在接受培训,为新软件的实施做准备。)

3. **体育与娱乐**:

   - "The athletes are in preparation for the Olympic Games, pushing their limits every day."(运动员们正在为奥运会做准备,每天都在挑战自己的极限。)

   - "The band is rehearsing new songs in preparation for their upcoming tour."(乐队正在排练新歌,为即将开始的巡演做准备。)

4. **应急与危机管理**:

   - "The city is stockpiling supplies in preparation for potential natural disasters."(城市正在储备物资,以防可能发生的自然灾害。)

   - "Families are creating emergency plans in preparation for any unforeseen circumstances."(家庭正在制定应急计划,以应对任何未预见的情况。)

## 同义词辨析

1. **For**: 这个介词可以用来表示目的,与 "in preparation for" 类似,但不强调过程。例如:"She saved money for her vacation."(她存钱去度假。)

2. **To Get Ready For**: 这个短语直译为“为了……做好准备”,强调的是准备的动作。例如:"They are getting ready for the exam."(他们正在为考试做准备。)

3. **To Prepare For**: 这个短语与 "in preparation for" 最接近,都强调准备工作。例如:"He started to prepare for his interview early."(他很早就开始为面试做准备。)

4. **Anticipating**: 这个动词意味着期待并为此做准备,常用于预期某种情况。例如:"Anticipating a busy week, she made a detailed schedule."(预料到会有一个忙碌的一周,她制定了详细的时间表。)

5. **In Anticipation Of**: 这个短语也表示“期待……而做准备”,但更强调对未来的期待。例如:"The store stocked up on goods in anticipation of the holiday season."(商店储备了货物,预计假期的到来。)

总结来说,"in preparation for" 强调的是一个准备的过程,而其他同义词则更多地关注准备的目的、动作或期待。选择使用哪一个取决于上下文和想要突出的重点。