**In Exchange For: 作为对……的交换**


"In exchange for" 是一个英语短语,表示一种交易或交换的行为,通常涉及到一种物品、服务、信息或情感的等价交换。这个短语强调的是双方在交易中提供的东西,即一方提供某物以获取另一方的某物。在句子中,"in exchange for" 通常置于动词之后,用来连接交换的两个对象。


1. She agreed to wash the car in exchange for a movie ticket. (她同意洗车以换取一张电影票。)

2. He offered his language skills in exchange for private music lessons. (他提出以语言技能换取私人音乐课程。)


1. **For**: 这个词可以表示交换,但不如 "in exchange for" 明确地表达出等价的概念。例如,"I'll give you my book for your CD." (我会拿我的书换你的CD。)

2. **In return for**: 这个短语也表示交换,但更强调回报或报答。例如,"She cooked dinner in return for his help with the garden." (她做晚餐作为他对花园帮助的回报。)

3. **As payment for**: 这个短语特指金钱或物质的交换。例如,"He worked extra hours as payment for the damages he caused." (他加班以赔偿他造成的损失。)

4. **In lieu of**: 这个短语意味着代替或替换。例如,"We will accept cash in lieu of a check." (我们可以接受现金代替支票。)


1. In exchange for your old phone, the store will offer you a discount on the new model. (你可以用旧手机换取新模型的折扣。)

2. The company provides health insurance in exchange for employee loyalty and dedication. (公司提供健康保险作为员工忠诚和敬业的交换。)

3. They agreed to babysit in exchange for a night out at their favorite restaurant. (他们答应帮忙照看孩子,以换取一晚在他们最喜欢的餐厅用餐。)

4. The student promised to study harder in exchange for a higher allowance from his parents. (学生承诺更加努力学习,以换取父母增加零花钱。)

5. The farmer traded fresh vegetables in exchange for the craftsman's handmade furniture. (农民用新鲜蔬菜换取工匠的手工家具。)

6. In exchange for tutoring her in math, she taught me how to play the piano. (我教她数学,她教我弹钢琴。)

7. The government offered financial aid in exchange for community service. (政府提供经济援助作为社区服务的交换。)

8. As part of a prisoner exchange, the captives were released in exchange for political concessions. (作为囚犯交换的一部分,囚犯被释放以换取政治让步。)

理解并掌握 "in exchange for" 的用法,可以帮助你在描述交易或交换情境时更加准确、生动。在写作和日常交流中,可以根据上下文选择适当的同义表达,使语言更具丰富性和多样性。