**In View Of: 鉴于,考虑到**


"In view of" 是一个英语短语,用于引出一个事实或情况,表明这个事实或情况是决定后续行动、判断或观点的基础。它强调了前面的信息对后面陈述的重要性,相当于中文的“鉴于”或“考虑到”。


1. "In view of" 通常用于正式或书面语境,特别是在讨论、报告或建议的开头。

2. 它可以引导原因状语从句,表示由于某个特定的情况或事实,导致了某种结果或决定。

3. 这个短语后面常跟名词、动名词或从句。


1. **In view of** the severe weather conditions, the school has decided to cancel all outdoor activities for today. (鉴于恶劣的天气条件,学校决定取消今天的所有户外活动。)

2. **In view of** your excellent performance in the internship, we would like to offer you a permanent position in our company. (考虑到你在实习期间的出色表现,我们希望你能成为我们公司的正式员工。)

3. **In view of** the potential risks involved, it is advisable to seek professional advice before making any investment decisions. (考虑到涉及的风险,建议在做任何投资决定前寻求专业意见。)


1. **Considering**: 与 "in view of" 类似,表示“考虑到”,但语气稍轻,可应用于更广泛的语境中。

   - Considering the time constraints, we'll have to shorten the meeting. (考虑到时间限制,我们得缩短会议。)

2. **Given**: 强调已知的事实或前提,常用于非正式语境。

   - Given his lack of experience, it's understandable that he made mistakes. (考虑到他缺乏经验,他犯错误是可以理解的。)

3. **Taking into account**: 这个短语也表示“考虑到”,有时比 "in view of" 更正式,常用于正式的书面语境。

   - Taking into account the feedback from customers, we've decided to improve the product design. (考虑到客户的反馈,我们决定改进产品设计。)

4. **Due to**: 强调因果关系,通常用来解释原因。

   - Due to the ongoing pandemic, the conference will be held online instead of in-person. (由于持续的疫情,会议将在线举行,而不是面对面。)
