**In Possession Of: 拥有**


"In possession of" 是一个英语短语,用来表示某人或某物拥有、持有或控制某物的状态。它强调的是所有权、占有权或掌控权。这个短语通常用于正式或法律性的语境,尤其是在描述财产、信息、技能或权利时。


1. 当我们说 "He is in possession of a valuable painting," 我们意味着这幅画属于他,他拥有它。

2. 在法律文书中,"being in possession of stolen goods" 指的是持有被盗物品,这可能涉及非法行为。

3. "In possession of the truth" 表示掌握了事实真相。


1. After the auction, she was officially in possession of the antique vase.

2. The suspect was arrested for being in possession of illegal drugs.

3. The company is now in possession of all the necessary permits to start the construction project.


1. **Own**: 直接表示拥有,常用于口语和非正式场合,如 "She owns a beautiful house."

2. **Have**: 普通用词,涵盖广泛,可表示拥有、持有或占有,如 "I have a car."

3. **Hold**: 强调实际掌握或控制,如 "They hold the key to success."

4. **Possess**: 较正式,常用于法律或正式场合,强调内在的所有权或控制权,如 "The contract states that you possess the copyright."


1. **Out of possession**: 不再拥有,失去控制,如 "The team lost the ball and was now out of possession."

2. **Take possession of**: 占有,夺取,如 "The conquerors took possession of the city."

3. **Lose possession of**: 失去对某物的控制或拥有,如 "He lost possession of the document."


"In possession of" 是一个表达拥有或控制权的正式短语,常用于法律、商务和其他正式场合。它与 "own", "have", "hold", 和 "possess" 等词有相似含义,但根据不同语境和用法,其侧重点和正式程度有所不同。理解这些同义词的区别有助于更准确地表达你的意思。