"In need of" 是一个常用的英语短语,用来表达对某物或某事的需求或迫切要求。这个短语通常用来强调一种紧迫性或重要性,暗示如果没有得到满足,可能会导致不理想的结果。


"In need of" 意味着“需要”,“缺乏”或“必须有”。它用于描述一个人、事物或情况对某种东西的迫切需求。这个短语可以用来指物质需求,也可以指情感或精神上的需求。


1. "The company is in need of a new marketing strategy." (这家公司需要一个新的市场策略。)

2. "She is in need of emotional support after the loss of her pet." (她在失去宠物后需要情感支持。)


1. The city's infrastructure is in dire need of repair and upgrade. (这个城市的基础设施急需维修和升级。)

2. The charity organization is collecting donations for those in need of food and shelter. (慈善组织正在为那些需要食物和庇护的人收集捐款。)

3. After a long day at work, I'm in need of some relaxation. (工作了一整天后,我需要放松一下。)

4. The football team is in need of a skilled goalkeeper to strengthen their defense. (足球队需要一名技术高超的守门员来加强他们的防守。)


1. **Require**: 表示必需或必要,通常用于正式或书面语境。例如:“The project requires additional funding.” (这个项目需要额外的资金。)

2. **Want**: 常用来表示个人的愿望或渴望,但也可以表示实际的需求。例如:“I want a cup of coffee.” (我想喝杯咖啡。)

3. **Demand**: 强调一种强烈的、不容忽视的要求。例如:“The public demands immediate action on climate change.” (公众要求立即采取行动应对气候变化。)

4. **Desire**: 更侧重于内心的渴望或期望,常用于非物质需求。例如:“She desires a peaceful life away from the city.” (她渴望过上远离城市喧嚣的宁静生活。)

5. **Be short of**: 描述缺少或不足的情况。例如:“We are short of staff for the evening shift.” (我们晚班人手不够。)

6. **Lack**: 直接表示缺乏或没有。例如:“He lacks confidence in his public speaking skills.” (他在公开演讲方面缺乏信心。)
