**In Face Of: 面对**


"In face of" 是一个英语短语,意为“面对”或“面临”,通常用于描述面对挑战、困难、问题或重要情况时的情境。这个短语强调了个体在特定状况下的应对态度和行为。


1. 表示面对具体的事物或情境:

   - "In face of the pandemic, scientists worked tirelessly to develop vaccines."(面对疫情,科学家们不辞辛劳地研发疫苗。)

2. 强调面对困难或挑战:

   - "She remained calm in face of the fierce competition."(面对激烈的竞争,她保持冷静。)

3. 描述面对危险或危机:

   - "The firefighters showed great bravery in face of the raging fire."(消防员在熊熊烈火面前表现出极大的勇气。)

4. 用于表达面对事实或真相:

   - "We must accept the reality in face of the evidence."(我们必须面对证据所揭示的事实。)


1. In face of adversity, true friends will stand by you.


2. He never backed down in face of any challenge; that's why he's a successful entrepreneur.


3. The team demonstrated resilience in face of numerous setbacks.


4. It takes courage to admit one's mistakes in face of public criticism.



1. **Confront**: 这个词更侧重于直接的对抗或冲突,常用于描述两个或多个力量之间的正面交锋。

   - "He confronted his fears and overcame them."(他直面恐惧并战胜了它们。)

2. **Deal with**: 这个短语更注重处理或解决一个问题,可能涉及策略和计划。

   - "We need to deal with the issue of climate change urgently."(我们需要紧急处理气候变化问题。)

3. **Face up to**: 这个短语强调勇敢地接受或承认某个问题或责任。

   - "It's time for him to face up to the consequences of his actions."(他应该面对自己行为的后果了。)

4. **Meet**: 在某些情况下,"meet" 可以与 "in face of" 替换,表示面对或迎接。

   - "She was ready to meet any challenge that came her way."(她准备好迎接任何迎面而来的挑战。)
