
"Be strict with" 是一个动词短语,通常用来描述对某人或某事采取严厉或严谨的标准、规定或要求。这可以涉及到教育、工作、行为规范等方面。"Be strict with" 表示要求严格遵守规则,不容许有任何偏差或松懈。这个短语强调的是对规范、标准或责任的严肃执行。


1. Parents should be strict with their children's study habits to ensure they develop good discipline. (父母应该对孩子学习习惯严格,以确保他们养成良好的纪律。)

2. The coach is known to be strict with his athletes, pushing them to their limits in training. (这位教练以其对运动员的严格要求而闻名,他在训练中会让他们达到极限。)

3. The school principal is very strict with the maintenance of academic integrity, punishing any form of cheating severely. (校长对维护学术诚信非常严格,对任何形式的作弊行为都会严惩不贷。)


1. **Tough on**: 这个短语也表示对某人或某事要求严格,但语气稍微强硬一些,可能带有惩罚或责备的意味。例如:The new boss is tough on tardiness, issuing warnings to anyone who's late. (新老板对迟到很严厉,会对迟到的人发出警告。)

2. **Demanding of**: 这个表达强调对高标准或高效率的要求,但并不一定涉及惩罚。例如:She's demanding of her employees, always expecting top-notch performance. (她对员工要求很高,总是期待他们表现出色。)

3. **Severe on**: 这个短语的语气更强烈,暗示着严厉的惩罚或批评。例如:The judge was severe on the defendant, handing down a heavy sentence. (法官对被告非常严厉,给予了重刑。)

4. **Rigorous with**: 这个短语强调严谨和无懈可击的标准,常用于学术或专业领域。例如:The professor is rigorous with grading, leaving no room for error. (教授评分非常严谨,不容许有任何错误。)

5. **Firm with**: 这个短语的语气相对较温和,表示坚定但公正的立场。例如:The teacher is firm with classroom rules, ensuring a respectful learning environment. (老师对课堂规则坚定,确保了尊重的学习环境。)
