# "Be Satisfied with" - 对...满意

## 释义

"Be satisfied with" 是一个英语短语,表示对某人、某事或某物感到满足或满意。这个短语通常用于描述一个人在达到期望、完成任务或接受某种结果后感到的内心平静和满足感。它强调了对当前状况的认可,不再寻求更多的改变或改进。

## 用法

1. **用作动词短语**:

   - 主 + be (am, is, are) + satisfied with + 宾语

   例如:I am satisfied with the progress I've made in my studies. (我对我的学习进步感到满意。)

2. **用作形容词短语**:

   - 形容词 + be + satisfied with + 宾语

   例如:She is quite satisfied with her new job. (她对她的新工作相当满意。)

3. **否定形式**:

   - 主 + be not (am not, isn't, aren't) + satisfied with + 宾语

   例如:They're not satisfied with the service at this restaurant. (他们对这家餐厅的服务不满意。)

4. **疑问形式**:

   - Are/Is + 主 + satisfied with + 宾语?

   例如:Are you satisfied with the outcome of the project? (你对项目的成果满意吗?)

## 例句

1. After the long journey, they were finally satisfied with the comfort of their hotel room. (经过长途旅行后,他们终于对酒店房间的舒适度感到满意。)

2. The boss expressed his satisfaction with the team's performance during the meeting. (老板在会议上表达了他对团队表现的满意。)

3. Despite some initial setbacks, she was ultimately satisfied with the final result of her artwork. (尽管最初有些挫折,但她最终对她的艺术作品的最终结果感到满意。)

4. He is never satisfied with his achievements, always striving for more. (他从不满足于自己的成就,总是追求更多。)

## 同义词辨析

- **Content with**: 这个短语与 "satisfied with" 意思相近,表示对现状感到满足。例如:She is content with her simple life. (她满足于简朴的生活。)

- **Pleased with**: 强调的是高兴或愉快的情绪,因为某事达到了预期。例如:He was pleased with the unexpected bonus. (他对意外的奖金感到高兴。)

- **Gratified by**: 表示因某事而感到欣慰或满足,常用于正式或书面语境。例如:She was greatly gratified by the positive feedback from her clients. (她对客户的积极反馈深感欣慰。)

- **Delighted with**: 强调的是一种强烈的满意和快乐,通常用于更积极和兴奋的情况。例如:The children were delighted with their Christmas presents. (孩子们对他们的圣诞礼物非常开心。)
