
"Be popular with" 是一个英语短语,表示某人或某事物受到某一特定群体的喜爱或欢迎。这个短语通常用来描述在某个社区、群体或者社会环境中,某人或某事受到了广泛的欢迎和喜爱。


1. **基本用法:**

   - 主语 + be (is/are) popular with + 对象

   - 例如:The new restaurant is popular with young people. (这家新餐厅很受年轻人的欢迎。)

2. **比较级用法:**

   - 比较级形式:more popular with

   - 例如:This book is more popular with adults than children. (这本书在成年人中比在儿童中更受欢迎。)

3. **最高级用法:**

   - 最高级形式:the most popular with

   - 例如:She is the most popular teacher with the students. (她是学生中最受欢迎的老师。)

4. **否定形式:**

   - 例如:The idea is not popular with the majority. (这个想法并不受大多数人的欢迎。)


1. The latest smartphone model is extremely popular with tech enthusiasts. (最新的智能手机型号在科技爱好者中极其受欢迎。)

2. His humorous speeches always make him popular with the audience. (他幽默的演讲总使他在听众中受欢迎。)

3. The park's new playground equipment is very popular with local families. (公园的新游乐设施非常受当地家庭的欢迎。)

4. Despite its high price, the organic food brand is still popular with health-conscious consumers. (尽管价格高昂,这款有机食品品牌仍然深受注重健康的人群欢迎。)

5. The movie failed to be popular with critics, but it was a box office hit. (这部电影虽然不受评论家的欢迎,但在票房上取得了成功。)


1. **Be favored by** - 同样表示“受到…的喜爱”,但语气可能更正式一些。

   - 例如:Her paintings are favored by art collectors worldwide. (她的画作受到世界各地的艺术收藏家的喜爱。)

2. **Be well-liked by** - 强调的是个人或事物被广泛喜欢。

   - 例如:He is well-liked by his colleagues for his friendly personality. (他因其友善的性格而受到同事们的喜爱。)

3. **Be in favor with** - 这个短语在古英语中使用较多,现在较为罕见,但它表示“受到某人的宠爱或青睐”。

   - 例如:In the king's court, those who were in favor with the monarch held great power. (在国王的宫廷里,受国王宠爱的人拥有极大的权力。)

4. **Be a hit with** - 这个短语通常用于描述某物突然间大受欢迎,特别是在娱乐或媒体领域。

   - 例如:The song became an instant hit with music lovers. (这首歌一发布就受到了音乐爱好者的热烈追捧。)

总之,“be popular with”是一个表达广泛受欢迎的短语,可以用于描述人、事、物在特定群体中的受欢迎程度。其同义短语如“be favored by”、“be well-liked by”等,可以根据具体情境和语境选择使用。