"Be pleased with" 是一个英语短语,用来表达对某事或某人的满意或高兴之情。这个短语的核心在于“pleased”,它源自古英语的“pleasian”,意为“使愉快”或“感到满意”。当与“with”一起使用时,它表示对某事物或情况的积极反应,意味着满足、满意或高兴。


"Be pleased with" 意味着对某人或某事感到满意或高兴,通常是因为它达到了预期的标准或者超出了期望。这个短语可以用于描述对个人成就、他人的行为、结果或状况的积极情感。


1. **形容词用法:** "I am pleased with your progress." (我对你的进步感到满意。)

2. **被动语态:** "The boss was pleased with the sales report." (老板对销售报告很满意。)

3. **祈使句:** "Please be pleased with what you have." (请对你所拥有的感到满意。)


1. She was pleased with the new job offer, as it came with a significant salary increase. (她对新的工作机会很满意,因为它带来了显著的薪资增长。)

2. The teacher was pleased with the students' performance in the exam. (老师对学生在考试中的表现感到满意。)

3. I'm pleased with how well the garden has grown this summer. (我对这个夏天花园的成长情况感到满意。)


1. **Satisfied** - 表示满足或满意,通常是对一个标准或要求的达成。例如:“She was satisfied with the service at the restaurant.” (她对餐厅的服务感到满意。)

2. **Content** - 暗示一种内心的安宁和满足感,不带任何不满或渴望。例如:“He was content with his simple life.” (他对简朴的生活感到满足。)

3. **Delighted** - 强调极度的喜悦和满意,通常用于更正式或高兴的情况。例如:“We were delighted with the outcome of the project.” (我们对项目的成果非常满意。)

4. **Gratified** - 指因某事达到或超越了期望而感到愉快。例如:“She was gratified by the positive feedback from her clients.” (她对客户的积极反馈感到欣慰。)
