"Be delighted with" 是一个英语短语,意为对某事或某人感到非常满意和高兴。它表达了一种强烈的积极情绪,即对某个结果、礼物、消息或者他人的行为感到极度欢喜。这个短语通常用于描述个人的情感反应,强调内心的喜悦。


1. "Be delighted with" 通常用在肯定句中,后面可以跟名词、代词或者动词的-ing形式。

2. 当后面跟名词或代词时,短语结构为 "be delighted with sth.",例如:"She was delighted with her new job."

3. 当后面跟动词的-ing形式时,表示对某种行为或状态感到高兴,结构为 "be delighted with doing sth.",例如:"I am delighted with playing the piano."


1. He was absolutely delighted with the surprise birthday party his friends had organized for him.


2. The parents were delighted with their child's excellent performance in the school play.


3. She will be delighted with the news that she has been accepted into her dream university.


4. They were delighted with the progress their team made during the project.


5. I am always delighted with spending time in nature, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.



1. **Pleased**: 这个词比 "delighted" 的情感强度稍弱,表示满意或愉快,例如:"I'm pleased with your work."(我对你的工作很满意。)

2. **Overjoyed**: 表示极度的快乐,比 "delighted" 更加强烈,例如:"She was overjoyed when she won the competition."(当她赢得比赛时,她欣喜若狂。)

3. **Ecstatic**: 这个词描述的是一种狂喜的状态,如:"He was ecstatic to receive the job offer."(他收到工作邀请时,欣喜若狂。)

4. **Gratified**: 意味着对某事感到满足和欣慰,例如:"She was gratified by the positive feedback on her book."(她对她的书得到的积极反馈感到欣慰。)

5. **Content**: 表示满足,但不涉及强烈的情绪波动,例如:"He was content with his simple life."(他对他的简朴生活感到满足。)