"Be content with" 是一个英语短语,意为“对…感到满足,对…感到满意”。这个表达强调了一个人对于当前状况或所拥有的事物感到心满意足,不渴望更多或更好的东西。它体现了感恩和知足的心态,有时候也暗示着一种谦逊或者不贪心的生活态度。


在使用 "be content with" 时,通常将其置于主语之后,后面接名词、代词或动名词。例如:

1. She is content with her simple life. (她对她的简朴生活感到满足。)

2. He seems to be content with the small salary he earns. (他似乎对他挣的微薄薪水感到满意。)


1. After years of hard work, they are content with their achievements. (经过多年的努力,他们对自己的成就感到满意。)

2. The child was content with just playing with the box, ignoring the expensive toy inside. (孩子只满足于玩盒子,忽视了里面昂贵的玩具。)

3. The retired couple is content with their peaceful life in the countryside. (这对退休夫妇满足于他们在乡村的宁静生活。)

4. Despite being offered a better job, she decided to stay where she was, content with her current position. (尽管有了一份更好的工作机会,她还是决定留下,满足于她现有的职位。)


1. **Satisfied**: 表示达到预期或标准后的满意状态,通常用于描述对结果或成就的满意。例如:She was satisfied with her performance in the exam. (她对考试的表现感到满意。)

2. **Pleased**: 指的是因为某事而感到高兴或满意,通常与个人喜好或期望相符。例如:I'm pleased with your progress. (我对你的进步感到高兴。)

3. **Contented**: 强调内心的平静和满足感,通常用来描述对生活现状的接纳和欣赏。例如:The old man lived a contented life in his little cottage. (那位老人在他的小屋里过着满足的生活。)

4. **Fulfilled**: 常用于描述实现目标或愿望后的满足感。例如:He felt fulfilled after completing the challenging project. (完成这个具有挑战性的项目后,他感到满足。)

5. **Grateful**: 感恩的,对得到的帮助或好处表示感激。例如:She was grateful for the support from her friends. (她对朋友们的支持心怀感激。)