"Be Concerned With" 是一个在英语中常用的短语,表示对某事或某人关注、关心或者参与其中。这个短语可以用于多种语境,如个人的兴趣爱好、工作职责、社会问题等。下面我们将详细解析其含义、用法,并提供一些例句,同时对比它的同义短语以帮助理解。


"Be Concerned With" 的主要含义是“关心”或“关注”,指的是对某事或某人具有兴趣、忧虑或责任。它也可以表达“与...有关”的意思,即某事或某人与某个话题或活动有直接联系。


1. 当表达对某事的关心或关注时,通常用作 "I am concerned with..." 或 "They are concerned with..." 的形式。

2. 当表达“与...有关”时,例如 "The issue is concerned with..." 或 "The project is concerned with..."。


1. I am deeply concerned with the environment and always try to reduce my carbon footprint. (我对环境深感关切,总是尽力减少碳足迹。)

2. The committee is primarily concerned with improving the quality of education in rural areas. (委员会主要关注提高农村地区的教育质量。)

3. Before making any investment, she is always concerned with the potential risks involved. (在做任何投资之前,她总是会关心可能涉及的风险。)

4. His research is concerned with the effects of climate change on marine life. (他的研究关注气候变化对海洋生物的影响。)


1. "Care about": 这个短语也表示关心或关注,但通常用于更个人或情感层面的问题。例如:"She really cares about the well-being of her students." (她真的很关心学生的福祉。)

2. "Take an interest in": 表示对某事感兴趣或主动参与。例如:"He takes an interest in learning new languages." (他对学习新语言很感兴趣。)

3. "Be related to": 这个短语更强调事物之间的关联性,而非关注的程度。例如:"The accident was directly related to the poor road conditions." (这起事故与糟糕的路况直接相关。)

4. "Have a stake in": 指在某事中有利害关系或投入。例如:"As a shareholder, you have a stake in the company's success." (作为股东,你在公司的成功中有利害关系。)