"Be angry with" 是一个英语短语,表示对某人的行为或态度感到不满、恼火或者生气。这个短语通常用来描述一种情绪状态,即当你觉得某人做了一些不应该做的事情或者没有达到你的期望时,你对他们的负面情绪。它强调的是对特定个人的生气,而不是对某个情况或事件的生气。


- "I'm angry with John for forgetting our appointment."(我对约翰忘记我们的约会感到生气。)

## 用法

1. **主语 + be动词 + angry with + 目标**:这是最基础的结构,用于表达对某人的生气。

   - "She is angry with her brother for not helping her with the chores."(她对哥哥不帮她做家务感到生气。)

2. **Get/Feel + angry with + 目标**:这种形式强调生气的过程或感受。

   - "I got angry with him when he didn't show up on time."(他没按时出现时,我感到很生气。)

3. **Be/get/feel as angry with...as...**:用于比较两个人或物的生气程度。

   - "She is as angry with him as she was with me yesterday."(她对他和昨天对我一样生气。)

## 例句

1. "Don't be angry with me; I didn't mean to upset you."(别生我的气,我不是故意让你难过的。)

2. "He's always angry with his boss, but never does anything about it."(他总是对他的老板生气,但从未采取任何行动。)

3. "The teacher was very angry with the students who disrupted the class."(老师对那些扰乱课堂的学生非常生气。)

4. "When I found out the truth, I couldn't help but feel angry with my best friend."(当我发现真相时,我无法不对我的最好的朋友感到生气。)

## 同义词辨析

1. **Be mad at**: 这个短语与 "be angry with" 意思相近,也表示对某人的生气,常在口语中使用。

   - "She's mad at him for not calling her back."(她因为他没有回电话而生他的气。)

2. **Be annoyed with**: 这个短语通常用于较轻度的生气,指对某人的行为或习惯感到不悦。

   - "I'm annoyed with my roommate for leaving dirty dishes in the sink."(我对室友把脏盘子留在水槽里感到烦恼。)

3. **Be irritated by**: 这个短语强调因为某人的行为或持续的状况而感到烦躁。

   - "She's irritated by his constant interrupting during conversations."(他对谈话时不断的打断让她感到烦躁。)

4. **Be furious with**: 这个短语表示强烈的愤怒,比 "be angry with" 更加激烈。

   - "He was furious with his colleague for stealing his idea."(他对同事窃取他的想法感到非常愤怒。)