“Be useful to” 是一个英语短语,意为“对...有用,有益于...”。这个短语常用来描述某物或某人对另一个人或情况具有实际价值或贡献。它强调的是实用性、效用或益处。在句子中,"useful" 是形容词,"to" 是介词,后面通常接名词或代词。


1. This dictionary will be very useful to students learning English. (这本词典对学生学习英语非常有用。)

2. Her organizational skills are extremely useful to the company. (她的组织能力对公司非常有价值。)

3. The new technology could be useful to farmers in improving crop yields. (这项新技术可能对农民提高作物产量有所帮助。)

4. His experience as a teacher is proving to be useful to the young learners. (他作为教师的经验对年轻学习者很有帮助。)


1. **Beneficial**: 这个词与 "useful" 相似,都表示有好处或有利的。例如:Regular exercise is beneficial to your health. (定期锻炼对你的健康有益。)

2. **Advantageous**: 强调某事对某人或某情况有利,可能带来优势。例如:Living near the library is advantageous for students. (住在图书馆附近对学生有利。)

3. **Helpful**: 更侧重于提供帮助或援助。例如:She was very helpful in solving the problem. (她在解决问题时提供了很大帮助。)

4. **Valuable**: 除了指事物的价值,也可以指某事物对某人有价值。例如:His advice was valuable to my decision-making process. (他的建议对我做决策过程很有价值。)

5. **Serviceable**: 指某物实用,适合某种特定目的。例如:This old car is still serviceable, despite its age. (这辆旧车虽然年份已久,但仍能正常使用。)