"Be used to" 是一个英语短语,表示“习惯于”或“适应了”的意思。它通常用来描述一个人对某种情况、行为或环境的熟悉程度,暗示这种状况已经不再感到新鲜或者引起不适。这个短语由助动词 "be" 和过去分词 "used to" 组成,可以用于现在时态或完成时态,表达不同的时间概念。

1. **现在时态**: 表示目前的习惯或状态。例如:

   - I am used to waking up early for work. (我已经习惯了早起上班。)

   - She is used to living in a noisy city. (她习惯了在嘈杂的城市生活。)

2. **完成时态**: 表示过去的经历导致了现在的习惯或状态。例如:

   - They have been used to eating spicy food since they moved to India. (自从他们搬到印度以来,他们已经习惯了吃辣。)

   - He has got used to the cold weather after spending a winter in Canada. (在加拿大度过一个冬天后,他已经习惯了寒冷的天气。)


1. **Accustomed to**: 这个短语与 "be used to" 含义相同,也表示“习惯于”。例如:

   - He is accustomed to working long hours. (他习惯于长时间工作。)

2. **Get/Turn/Feel comfortable with**: 这些短语强调的是从不适应到适应的过程,与 "be used to" 有相似之处。例如:

   - After a few weeks, she got comfortable with her new job. (几周后,她对新工作感到适应了。)

3. **Adapt to**: 这个动词短语强调的是为了适应新的环境或情况而做出的改变。例如:

   - The plants need time to adapt to the new climate. (这些植物需要时间来适应新气候。)

4. **Grow into**: 这个短语常用于描述随着时间的推移,某人逐渐适应或习惯于某种情况。例如:

   - She has grown into her new role as a manager. (她已经适应了经理的新角色。)


1. After years of practice, he is used to speaking in public without any nervousness. (经过多年的练习,他已经习惯了在公众面前演讲而不感到紧张。)

2. The baby has got used to sleeping through the night. (婴儿已经习惯了整夜安睡。)

3. Being used to living alone, she finds it hard to share a room with others. (由于习惯了独自生活,她发现很难与别人共用一个房间。)

4. They have been used to dealing with emergencies since they joined the rescue team. (自从加入救援队以来,他们已经习惯了处理紧急情况。)

5. He's not used to working under pressure, so he often makes mistakes. (他不习惯在压力下工作,所以经常会出错。)

6. The new employee is still getting used to the company's policies and procedures. (新员工还在适应公司的政策和程序。)