"Be disappointed in" 是一个英语短语,表示对某人或某事没有达到预期或希望而感到失望或沮丧的情感状态。这个短语主要用来描述一种心理反应,当你对某人的行为、表现或者成就感到不满时,你会使用它。


1. 主语 + be (am, is, are) + disappointed in + 宾语(人或事物)

2. 当宾语是人时,通常是因为他们的行为或决定没有达到期望。

3. 当宾语是事物时,通常是因为事物的结果或性能不符合期待。


1. She is disappointed in her son for not studying hard. (她对儿子不努力学习感到失望。)

2. I was disappointed in the movie, as it didn't live up to the hype. (我对这部电影感到失望,因为它没有达到宣传的预期。)

3. The teacher felt disappointed in John's poor performance in the exam. (老师对约翰在考试中的糟糕表现感到失望。)


1. **Disappointed with**: 这个短语也表示对某人或某事的失望,但更侧重于对具体的事物或行动的结果感到失望,比如 "I'm disappointed with the service at this restaurant." (我对这家餐厅的服务感到失望。)

2. **Disappointed by**: 这个短语强调因为某人或某事的行为或结果而感到失望,例如 "He was disappointed by the news of his friend's betrayal." (他因朋友背叛的消息感到失望。)

3. **Frustrated at/with**: 虽然这个词组主要表达的是挫败感,但有时也可以用来表示失望,尤其是当期望未达成时,例如 "I'm frustrated at my own inability to solve the problem." (我对无法解决问题感到挫败。)

4. **Let down**: 这个短语意味着被某人辜负或未达到期望,例如 "She felt let down when he forgot their anniversary." (当他对他们的纪念日忘记时,她感到被辜负了。)