"Be absent from" 是一个英语短语,意为“不在(某处)”,“缺席”,或“未出席”。它表示某人或某物没有在预期或规定的地方出现。这个短语常用于描述人在会议、学校、工作或其他活动中的缺席情况。


1. **基本用法:**

   - 主语通常是人或物,如 "He is absent from the meeting."(他缺席了会议。)

   - 可以与表示地点的介词短语搭配,如 "She was absent from her office yesterday."(她昨天没在办公室。)

2. **时间状语:**

   - 可以加上特定的时间,如 "They were absent from the class during the final exam."(他们在期末考试时缺席。)

3. **原因状语:**

   - 可以表达缺席的原因,如 "She was absent from work due to illness."(她因病缺席工作。)

4. **比较级和最高级:**

   - 可以使用比较级和最高级形式,如 "He is more often absent from school than present."(他缺勤的次数比在学校的次数多。)

5. **否定形式:**

   - 可以与否定词 "not" 结合使用,如 "I'm not absent from the party, I just arrived late."(我没有缺席派对,我只是晚到了。)


1. **Miss:**

   - Miss 通常指错过或未能参加,如 "She missed the concert because of traffic."(她因为交通堵塞错过了音乐会。)

2. **Fail to attend:**

   - 这个短语强调未能履行出席的义务,如 "He failed to attend the mandatory training session."(他未能参加强制性的培训课程。)

3. **Be away from:**

   - Be away from 更侧重于物理上的离开,不一定是缺席,如 "The family is away from home on vacation."(全家外出度假了。)

4. **Be out of:**

   - 在某些上下文中,be out of 可以表示缺席,如 "The boss is out of the office today."(老板今天不在办公室。)

5. **Be missing:**

   - 这个词组强调某人或某物的失踪或找不到,如 "There's something missing from my bag."(我的包里少了点东西。)


- The CEO was absent from the annual conference, which raised concerns among employees.(CEO缺席了年度会议,这让员工们感到不安。)

- If you're absent from work without permission, you may face disciplinary action.(未经许可而缺勤,你可能会面临纪律处分。)

- She was absent from school due to a high fever, but she's recovering now.(她因高烧缺席了学校,但现在正在恢复。)

- His absence from the dinner party indicated that he had some personal issue to deal with.(他缺席晚宴表明他有个人问题需要处理。)

- The team's best player was absent from the game, which significantly affected their performance.(球队的最佳球员缺席了比赛,这对他们的表现产生了重大影响。)