
"Be late for" 是一个常见的英语短语,用于表达“迟到”或“未按时到达”的含义。这个短语由动词 "be" 和介词 "for" 以及形容词 "late" 组成,主要用于描述某人或某事未能在约定的时间出现或开始。例如:

1. I'm late for the meeting. (我开会迟到了。)

2. She was late for her flight, so she missed it. (她飞机晚点了,所以错过了。)


1. 对于活动或会议:

   - Don't be late for the movie; it starts at 7 pm sharp. (电影七点整开始,别迟到。)

   - He was late for the interview due to heavy traffic. (因为交通拥堵,他面试迟到了。)

2. 对于工作或学校:

   - You'll lose points if you're consistently late for class. (如果你上课总是迟到,你会扣分的。)

   - She always arrives early to work, never being late for a single day. (她总是提前到公司,从不迟到。)

3. 对于约会或聚会:

   - It's rude to be late for a dinner party without prior notice. (没有事先通知就参加晚宴迟到是不礼貌的。)

   - They were late for their date, causing an awkward beginning. (他们约会迟到了,导致了尴尬的开局。)

4. 对于公共交通:

   - If you're late for the train, you'll have to wait another hour. (如果你赶不上这班火车,就得再等一个小时。)

   - The bus arrived late for its schedule, making everyone frustrated. (公交车比预定时间晚到,让所有人都很沮丧。)


1. Arrive late:这个短语与 "be late for" 意思相同,但更强调动作本身,而非对某个事件的迟到。例如:

   - I arrived late at the airport, and my friend had already left. (我晚到了机场,我朋友已经走了。)

2. Miss the deadline:适用于形容未能在截止日期前完成任务或提交工作的情况。例如:

   - If you miss the submission deadline, your application won't be considered. (如果你错过了提交截止日期,你的申请将不会被考虑。)

3. Delayed:通常用来形容交通工具或计划的延误。例如:

   - Our flight was delayed due to bad weather conditions. (由于恶劣天气,我们的航班延误了。)

4. Tardy:这个词在美式英语中常用,表示“迟到的”或“缓慢的”。例如:

   - The tardy students will have to stay after school for detention. (迟到的学生放学后需要留下来接受惩罚。)