"Be hungry for" 是一个英语短语,其基本含义是对某事或某物有着强烈的渴望或需求。这个表达通常用来描述一个人对知识、经验、成就、爱情或其他非物质事物的深切渴望。它传达了一种强烈的欲望和热情,暗示着一种积极进取的精神。


"Be hungry for" 表示“渴望得到”,强调对某事的极度期盼和追求。它描绘出一种内心深处的不满足,驱动着人们去寻求、探索和获取他们所渴望的事物。


1. 该短语常用于形容对知识、技能或经验的热切追求。

2. 它也可以用来表达对某种情感体验或人际关系的渴望。

3. 在商业或职业环境中,"be hungry for success" 常用来描述对成功的强烈渴望。

4. 此短语可用于描绘个人成长、自我提升或创新的愿望。


1. He's always hungry for knowledge, constantly reading and learning new things.


2. She was hungry for love after a series of failed relationships, longing for emotional connection.


3. The young startup is hungry for market share, aggressively expanding its customer base.


4. As an athlete, she's hungry for victory and trains tirelessly to achieve it.



1. "Thirsty for" - 这个短语与 "hungry for" 类似,但更常用于对信息、知识或理解的渴望。例如:"She's thirsty for information about the latest technology trends."

2. "Eager for" - 表达了急切的期待和强烈的愿望,适用于多种情境。例如:"The students were eager for the teacher's feedback on their assignments."

3. "Desperate for" - 强调极度的需求或渴望,有时带有紧迫感或绝望的情绪。例如:"They were desperate for a solution to their financial problems."