"Be good for" 是一个英语短语,通常用来表示某事对某人或某物有正面的影响或好处。它强调的是益处或优点,可以用于各种情境,包括健康、教育、情感、经济等方面。这个短语的基本结构是 "主语 + be good for + 宾语"。


1. Regular exercise is good for your physical health. (经常锻炼对你的身体健康有益。)

2. Reading books is good for expanding your vocabulary. (读书有助于扩大词汇量。)


1. **对人的益处**:

   - Eating a balanced diet is good for maintaining a healthy weight. (均衡饮食对保持健康的体重有益。)

   - Spending time in nature can be good for reducing stress levels. (在大自然中度过时间有助于降低压力水平。)

2. **对事物的益处**:

   - Recycling is good for the environment. (回收利用对环境有益。)

   - A diverse workforce is good for business innovation. (多元化的员工队伍对企业创新有益。)

3. **在建议或劝说场景中**:

   - You should try meditating; it's good for your mental wellbeing. (你应该试试冥想,这对你的心理健康有好处。)

   - It would be good for you to learn a new language; it broadens your horizons. (学习一门新语言对你有好处,它能开阔你的视野。)

4. **在评价或讨论情境中**:

   - The new policy is good for improving employee morale. (新政策对提高员工士气有益。)

   - This investment opportunity could be good for your long-term financial security. (这个投资机会可能对你的长期财务安全有利。)


1. **Beneficial** - 与 "good for" 类似,强调积极的结果或优势。例如:"Studying abroad is beneficial for personal growth." (留学对个人成长有益。)

2. **Advantageous** - 强调有利条件或优势,通常用于更正式或商业的语境。例如:"Accepting the job offer would be advantageous for your career advancement." (接受这份工作对你的职业发展有利。)

3. **Profitable** - 常用于经济或商业环境,指带来经济收益。例如:"Starting a small business can be profitable if managed well." (如果管理得当,创办小企业可能是有利可图的。)

4. **Helpful** - 强调提供帮助或便利。例如:"Volunteering at a local charity can be helpful for building your social skills." (在当地慈善机构做志愿者有助于提升你的社交技能。)

5. **Useful** - 更侧重于实用性和功能性。例如:"Learning basic coding skills is useful for many jobs today." (掌握基础编程技能对现在许多工作都很有用。)