"Be famous for" 是一个英语短语,意为“因……而闻名”或“以……出名”。它用来描述一个人、事物或地方因为某个特定的特性、成就或特点而广为人知。这个短语通常用于强调某个显著的品质或特征是其知名度的主要来源。


在使用 "be famous for" 时,我们通常将人、事物或地点放在短语前面,然后紧跟着他们闻名的原因。例如:

1. He is famous for his paintings. (他以他的画作闻名。)

2. The city is famous for its delicious street food. (这座城市以美味的街头小吃闻名。)

3. The book is famous for its captivating storyline. (这本书以其引人入胜的情节闻名。)


1. Shakespeare is famous for his plays and sonnets. (莎士比亚以其戏剧和十四行诗闻名。)

2. The Great Wall of China is famous for its grandeur and historical significance. (中国的长城以其壮丽和历史重要性闻名。)

3. Paris is famous for its romantic ambiance and artistic heritage. (巴黎以其浪漫的氛围和艺术遗产闻名。)

4. Mozart was famous for his incredible musical talent at a very young age. (莫扎特很小的时候就以他非凡的音乐才华闻名。)

5. The Eiffel Tower is one of the landmarks that makes Paris famous for its iconic architecture. (埃菲尔铁塔是使巴黎以其标志性的建筑闻名的地标之一。)


1. **Be known for**: 这个短语与 "be famous for" 类似,也表示因某种特质或成就而被人们知晓。但是,"known" 不一定意味着全球知名,可能只是在特定的群体或地区内为人所知。

   Example: She is known for her kindness in the neighborhood. (她在邻里间以她的善良著称。)

2. **Be renowned for**: 这个短语强调的是广泛的声誉和高度的尊重,通常用于描述杰出的成就或贡献。

   Example: Leonardo da Vinci is renowned for his exceptional genius in art and science. (列奥纳多·达·芬奇因其在艺术和科学上的非凡才智而享誉世界。)

3. **Be celebrated for**: 此短语含有赞美和庆祝的意味,通常用于突出某人的成功或贡献。

   Example: The athlete is celebrated for his gold medal-winning performance. (这位运动员因他的金牌表现而受到赞誉。)

4. **Be distinguished for**: 这个短语强调的是某人在某个领域有独特的地位或显著的成就。

   Example: The scientist is distinguished for her groundbreaking discoveries in genetics. (这位科学家因其在遗传学上的开创性发现而备受尊敬。)