"Be celebrated for" 是一个英语短语,意为“因...而闻名”或“因为...而出名”。这个表达用于描述一个人、地方、事件或事物因其特定的特性、成就或特征而受到广泛的赞誉和认可。


在使用"be celebrated for"时,通常会跟一个名词或动名词短语来说明出名的原因。例如:

1. She is celebrated for her stunning paintings around the world. (她因她的惊艳画作享誉全球。)

2. The city is celebrated for its rich history and cultural heritage. (这座城市因其丰富的历史和文化遗产而闻名。)


1. Shakespeare is celebrated for his profound influence on English literature. (莎士比亚因其对英国文学的深远影响而备受赞誉。)

2. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is celebrated for its iconic architectural design. (巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔因其标志性的建筑设计而闻名。)

3. Einstein was celebrated for his groundbreaking theories in physics. (爱因斯坦因其在物理学上的开创性理论而著名。)

4. Mozart is celebrated for his extraordinary musical talent and compositions. (莫扎特因其非凡的音乐天赋和作品而被人们铭记。)

5. The Great Wall of China is celebrated for its grandeur and historical significance. (中国的长城因其壮观和历史意义而闻名于世。)


1. **Famous for**: 这个短语与"be celebrated for"非常相似,也表示“因...而闻名”。例如:"He is famous for his philanthropic work." (他因他的慈善工作而闻名。)

2. **Renowned for**: 这个短语强调的是某人或某事在特定领域内有很高的声誉。例如:"She is renowned for her expertise in environmental science." (她因其在环境科学方面的专业知识而备受尊崇。)

3. **Noted for**: 这个短语也表示“以...著称”,但可能更侧重于某一点或某个具体的行为。例如:"The restaurant is noted for its exceptional seafood dishes." (这家餐厅以其出色的海鲜菜肴而闻名。)

4. **Distinguished for**: 这个短语暗示某人在某方面有卓越的表现,常常用于正式或书面的语境。例如:"He is distinguished for his contributions to the field of astronomy." (他在天文学领域的贡献使他声名显赫。)