"Be quick at" 是一个英语短语,表示在某个特定领域或活动中反应迅速、动作敏捷或者熟练程度高。这个短语通常用来描述一个人在处理某项任务或掌握某种技能时的速度和效率。


"Be quick at" 用来强调个人在特定情境下表现出的快速理解和执行能力。这里的“quick”意为“快的”,“at”后面接的是具体的活动或领域。这个短语可以用于形容人的智力反应、身体动作,甚至情感反应等方面。


1. She's quick at learning new languages, which helps her in her international business career.


2. He's incredibly quick at solving math problems, always finishing before anyone else in the class.


3. The athlete was quick at adapting to the new training routine and saw significant improvements in his performance.


4. She's quick at grasping new concepts, making her an excellent student.


5. John is quick at responding to customer queries, ensuring high customer satisfaction.



1. **Expert at**: 表示在某个领域有深厚的知识和技能,通常暗示长期的实践和经验。

   - Example: She's an expert at public speaking, captivating her audience with every talk.

2. **Adept at**: 强调在某事上熟练,可能是因为天赋或者大量的练习。

   - Example: He's adept at playing the piano, having practiced for over a decade.

3. **Proficient in**: 指在某个领域或技能上有高水平的熟练度。

   - Example: She's proficient in Photoshop, creating stunning graphics for various projects.

4. **Skilled at**: 描述某人在某项任务或活动上有技能或技巧。

   - Example: He's skilled at negotiating, often securing favorable deals for his company.

5. **Brilliant at**: 强调在某方面有出众的才华或智慧。

   - Example: She's brilliant at coding, designing innovative software solutions.