"Be good at" 是一个英语短语,用来表示某人在某一领域或做某事有很高的能力或技能。这个短语通常用来强调一个人在特定方面的熟练程度或成就。它表达的是对某种才能、知识或技巧的精通或擅长。

### 结构:

"Be good at" 的基本结构是 "主语 + be动词(am, is, are)+ good at + 动名词/名词"。这里的动名词(-ing 形式)指的是某项活动或技能,而名词则可以是某个学科、领域或职业。

### 例句:

1. She is good at playing the piano, which always amazes her audience. (她擅长弹钢琴,总是能震撼观众。)

2. He's good at solving complex mathematical problems quickly. (他擅长快速解决复杂的数学问题。)

3. The company is good at adapting to new market trends. (这家公司善于适应新的市场趋势。)

4. My little brother is good at drawing, especially when it comes to sketching animals. (我的弟弟擅长画画,特别是画动物素描。)

### 同义词辨析:

1. **Excel in**: 与 "be good at" 相似,强调在某方面表现出色。例如:He excels in public speaking. (他在公开演讲方面很出色。)

2. **Be proficient in**: 强调在某方面有高超的技能或精通。例如:She is proficient in four languages. (她精通四种语言。)

3. **Master**: 指完全掌握或精通某项技能。例如:To become a master chef, one must practice for years. (要成为大厨,必须经过多年的练习。)

4. **Be an expert at**: 表示在某一领域有深厚的专业知识或经验。例如:He is an expert at digital marketing. (他是数字营销方面的专家。)

5. **Have a knack for**: 表示天生就有做某事的天赋或直觉。例如:She has a knack for finding great bargains while shopping. (她在购物时总能找到很棒的折扣。)

6. **Be adept at**: 指某人对某事非常熟练或精通。例如:She is adept at managing multiple tasks simultaneously. (她擅长同时处理多项任务。)