"Be clever at" 是一个英语短语,表示某人在某个特定的领域或活动中具有出色的能力或智慧,擅长做某事。它强调的是个体在某一领域的聪明才智或者熟练程度。这个短语通常用来赞美或者描述一个人在某个方面有天赋或者通过努力变得非常熟练。


1. **直接使用:** "She is clever at solving puzzles."(她擅长解谜题。)

2. **与动词不定式连用:** "He's clever at playing the piano."(他擅长弹钢琴。)

3. **与名词或动名词搭配:** "They are clever at handling difficult situations."(他们擅长处理棘手的情况。)


1. "Lucy is clever at mathematics, which helps her excel in her studies."(露西擅长数学,这使她在学习上表现出色。)

2. "Tom is clever at public speaking, captivating his audience with his eloquence."(汤姆擅长公众演讲,他口若悬河,吸引着听众。)

3. "The chef is clever at creating new dishes, always surprising customers with unique flavors."(这位厨师擅长创新菜肴,总能以独特的味道给顾客带来惊喜。)

4. "Children are often clever at adapting to new environments."(孩子们通常擅长适应新环境。)


1. **Expert / Proficient:** 这两个词都表示在某方面有高超的技能或知识。例如:"She is an expert/proficient in painting."(她是个绘画高手。)

2. **Skilled:** 强调通过实践和训练获得的技能。例如:"He is skilled at carpentry."(他擅长木工。)

3. **Gifted / Talented:** 这两个词暗示某人天生就有某种才能。例如:"She is gifted/talented in music."(她在音乐方面有天赋。)

4. **Adept:** 表示某人在某方面非常熟练,几乎可以轻松应对。例如:"He is adept at coding."(他擅长编程。)

5. **Good at / Expertise:** "Good at"是更口语化的表达,而"expertise"则更正式,两者都表示在某一领域的专长。例如:"She is good at / has expertise in languages."(她擅长/精通语言。)