"Be bad at" 是一个英语短语,用来表示在某方面不擅长或者做得不好。这个短语通常用于描述个人的技能、学科知识、运动能力等。它表达了一种负面的能力评价,暗示了在特定领域需要改进或学习的空间。


1. "I'm bad at math, so I always struggle with algebraic equations."(我不擅长数学,所以总是解不出代数方程。)

2. "She's bad at public speaking, which makes her feel nervous before every presentation."(她不善于公开演讲,这让她每次演讲前都感到紧张。)


1. 表达个人能力不足:

   - "I'm bad at playing guitar, but I'm practicing every day to improve."(我不擅长弹吉他,但我每天都在练习以提高。)

   - "He's bad at cooking, so he usually relies on takeout or eating out."(他不善于烹饪,所以他通常靠外卖或外出就餐。)

2. 描述他人能力:

   - "My sister is bad at remembering names, so she often mixes up people's identities."(我妹妹不善于记名字,所以她经常弄混人们的身份。)

   - "The team's goalkeeper is bad at catching high balls, which causes problems in defense."(球队的守门员不善于接高球,这对防守造成了问题。)

3. 在建议或批评情境中使用:

   - "You'll need to work on your communication skills if you're bad at expressing yourself clearly."(如果你不善于清晰地表达自己,你需要提高你的沟通技巧。)

   - "Given that you're bad at time management, using a planner might help you stay organized."(考虑到你不善于时间管理,使用计划表可能会帮助你保持条理。)


1. **Incapable of**: 意为“没有能力做……”,强调完全无法做到。

   - "I'm incapable of understanding quantum physics."(我完全无法理解量子物理。)

2. **Unskilled in**: 强调缺乏必要的技能或训练。

   - "She's unskilled in carpentry, so she hired a professional to build the bookshelf."(她不擅长木工,所以雇了个专业人士来建书架。)

3. **Not proficient in**: 表示在某方面不够熟练或精通。

   - "He's not proficient in French, but he can manage basic conversations."(他法语不精通,但能应付基本的对话。)

4. **Lack proficiency in**: 与"Not proficient in"类似,强调缺乏熟练度。

   - "She lacks proficiency in coding, which limits her job opportunities in the tech industry."(她在编程方面缺乏熟练度,这限制了她在科技行业的就业机会。)

5. **Clumsy with**: 常用于描述操作物体或完成动作时的笨拙。

   - "He's clumsy with tools, always dropping and misplacing them."(他使用工具很笨拙,总是掉下来或找不到。)

6. **Not good with**: 较为口语化,表达在某方面不擅长。

   - "She's not good with kids, so babysitting isn't her forte."(她不擅长照顾孩子,所以保姆工作不是她的强项。)