"Be sure about" 是一个英语短语,意为“对……有把握”,“确信”,或“肯定”。当你表达 "I am sure about something" 时,意味着你对某事有着坚定的信念,或者你对某个信息或情况有充分的证据或知识,因此能够确定无疑。


1. **直接使用**:在句子中,"be sure about" 可以直接跟名词或动名词短语。例如:

   - "I am sure about his honesty."(我对他的诚实有把握。)

   - "She must be sure about the decision before taking action."(她在采取行动前必须对决定有把握。)

2. **疑问句中**:用于询问对方的确定性。例如:

   - "Are you sure about the answer?"(你对答案有把握吗?)

3. **否定句中**:表示不确定或怀疑。例如:

   - "I'm not sure about the meeting time."(我不确定会议的时间。)

4. **条件句中**:表达如果某事确定,将会发生什么。例如:

   - "If you're sure about the plan, let's proceed."(如果你对计划有把握,我们就继续。)


1. "I am sure about her capabilities, she will complete the task successfully."(我对她的能力有把握,她会成功完成任务。)

2. "Before investing, make sure you are sure about the company's financial health."(投资前,确保你对公司的财务状况有把握。)

3. "He seemed unsure about the direction, so I offered to help him."(他对方向似乎没把握,所以我提出帮忙。)

4. "She's sure about winning the competition; her confidence is inspiring."(她对赢得比赛有把握,她的自信很鼓舞人心。)


1. **Certain**: 表示绝对的确定,与 "sure" 基本同义,但语气更强烈。例如:"I am certain that he will come."(我确信他会来。)

2. **Confident**: 强调对自己能力或结果的自信心。例如:"She is confident in her ability to solve the problem."(她对自己解决问题的能力有信心。)

3. **Positive**: 除了表示肯定之外,还可以指态度积极或乐观。例如:"I am positive we'll find a solution."(我确信我们会找到解决办法。)

4. **Assured**: 通常用于描述对事情的结果有保证的情况。例如:"I am assured of your support."(我确信你会支持我。)