"Be disappointed about" 是一个英语短语动词,用来表达对某事或某人未达到预期或希望时感到的沮丧或不满。这个短语通常用于描述一种情绪状态,即对结果或情况的失望。它强调的是期待与现实之间的差距带来的心理反应。


"Be disappointed about" 表示对某个事件、行为、结果或人的表现感到失望或沮丧。这可能是由于期望未被满足,或者事情的发展不如预想的那样。这种失望可以是轻微的不满,也可以是深深的失望,取决于具体情况。


在使用 "be disappointed about" 时,通常将它置于主语之后,后面接导致失望的具体事物。例如:

1. "I am disappointed about the outcome of the game." (我对比赛的结果感到失望。)

2. "She was disappointed about his failure to keep his promise." (她对他没有遵守诺言感到失望。)


1. After months of hard work, he was bitterly disappointed about not getting the promotion. (经过几个月的努力工作,他没有得到晋升,感到非常失望。)

2. The students were disappointed about the cancellation of the school trip due to the pandemic. (学生们因疫情取消了学校旅行而感到失望。)

3. She was deeply disappointed about his insensitivity towards her feelings. (她对他对她感情的漠视深感失望。)

4. Parents can often be disappointed about their children's choices in life, but it's important to respect those choices. (父母常常会对孩子的生活选择感到失望,但尊重他们的选择很重要。)


1. **Be let down by**: 这个短语也表示失望,尤其是当某人辜负了你的期望时。例如:"I felt let down by my best friend when she didn't come to my birthday party." (当我最好的朋友没来参加我的生日派对时,我感到很失望。)

2. **Be disillusioned with**: 这个短语意味着对某事或某人原有的理想化看法破灭。例如:"After seeing the corruption prevalent in politics, he became disillusioned with the system." (看到政治中的腐败盛行,他对这个制度失去了幻想。)

3. **Be frustrated with**: 虽然这个短语主要表示因无法达成目标或解决难题而感到的挫败感,但它有时也可用于表示失望。例如:"She was frustrated with the slow progress on her project." (她对项目进展缓慢感到沮丧。)

4. **Be upset about**: 这个短语通常用于更广泛的情绪,包括失望,但也可能包括悲伤、愤怒等。例如:"He was upset about losing his job." (他失业了,感到很沮丧。)