"Be curious about" 是一个英语短语,表示对某事或某人有强烈的兴趣和求知欲,想要了解其详情或深入了解。它传达了一种积极的探索精神和好奇心,通常用于描述对未知事物的热切关注。


1. **基本用法**

   - "I am curious about the origins of the universe." (我对宇宙的起源感到好奇。)

   - "She was always curious about how things worked, which led her to become an inventor." (她总是对事物的工作原理感到好奇,这使她成为了一名发明家。)

2. **在疑问句中**

   - "What are you curious about?" (你对什么感到好奇?)

   - "Why are you so curious about my personal life?" (你为什么对我私生活如此好奇?)

3. **在祈使句中**

   - "Be curious and explore new ideas." (保持好奇,探索新思想。)

   - "Don't be afraid to be curious; it's the first step to learning." (不要害怕好奇,它是学习的第一步。)

4. **在否定句中**

   - "I'm not curious about his past; I only care about our future together." (我对他的过去不感兴趣,我只关心我们共同的未来。)


1. **Inquisitive**: 强调主动寻求信息,有时可能带有侵犯他人隐私的含义。

   - "The inquisitive neighbor kept asking about their personal affairs." (这位好奇的邻居不断打听他们的私事。)

2. **Eager to learn**: 表示渴望学习新知识或技能。

   - "He was eager to learn and absorbed every piece of information offered." (他渴望学习,吸收了提供给他的每一条信息。)

3. **Intrigued**: 指对某事感到兴奋或感兴趣,通常涉及某种神秘或引人入胜的情况。

   - "The mystery surrounding the old mansion intrigued the local residents." (古老庄园周围的谜团让当地居民感到好奇。)

4. **Enthusiastic**: 强调对某事充满热情和兴趣。

   - "She is enthusiastic about photography and spends hours capturing the beauty of nature." (她对摄影充满热情,会花几个小时捕捉大自然的美。)

5. **Puzzled**: 表示困惑或不解,但也有好奇的成分。

   - "The child was puzzled by the complex math problem and wanted to know the answer." (孩子被这个复杂的数学问题困扰,想知道答案。)