"Be anxious about" 是一个英语短语,用来表达对某事或某人的深切忧虑或担忧。它包含了对可能发生的不好的情况或结果的恐惧或紧张。这个短语通常用于描述一种强烈的内心不安,可能是因为对未来的不确定,对可能出现的问题或危险的预感,或者对某人健康、安全或幸福的担忧。


在使用 "be anxious about" 时,它后面通常跟名词或动名词。例如:

1. I am anxious about the exam results.(我对考试成绩感到焦虑。)

2. She is always anxious about her children's safety.(她总是担心孩子们的安全。)

3. He is getting more and more anxious about the project deadline.(他对项目截止日期越来越焦虑。)


1. The parents were anxious about their son's health after he fell ill suddenly.(父母在儿子突然生病后对他很担心。)

2. Before the interview, she was anxious about not being well-prepared.(面试前,她担心自己准备不足。)

3. Investors are increasingly anxious about the stock market's volatility.(投资者对股市的波动性日益感到焦虑。)

4. The teacher was anxious about the students' performance in the debate competition.(老师对学生们在辩论比赛中的表现感到担忧。)

5. After hearing the news of the storm, the villagers became anxious about their homes.(听到暴风雨的消息后,村民们开始担心他们的家园。)


1. **Worry about**: 这个短语与 "be anxious about" 类似,也表示对某事或某人的担忧。例如:I worry about my future career prospects.(我担心我的未来职业前景。)

2. **Concerned about**: 这个短语通常用于正式或更为正式的语境,表达对某个问题或情况的关注。例如:We are deeply concerned about the rising crime rate in the city.(我们对城市里犯罪率的上升深感关切。)

3. **Fret over**: 这个短语暗示了因为过度担忧而造成的痛苦或困扰。例如:She frets over every little detail, which often causes unnecessary stress.(她会为每一个小细节烦恼,这往往造成不必要的压力。)

4. **Be uptight about**: 这个短语表示对某事过于紧张或焦虑,有时带有贬义,暗示过于神经质。例如:There's no need to be uptight about the party; it's just a casual gathering.(没有必要对聚会过于紧张,那只是一次随意的聚会。)

5. **Be on tenterhooks**: 这个短语形象地描绘了一个人处于紧张不安的状态,如被挂在紧绷的绳子上。例如:I was on tenterhooks waiting for the job offer.(我在等待工作机会的时候非常紧张。)