"Food sb. into doing sth." 是一个非正式的英语短语,意指通过提供美食或诱人的食物来引诱、哄骗或影响某人去做某件事情。这个短语通常含有欺骗或操纵的意味,强调利用食物作为手段来达到某个目的。

### 用法

在使用这个短语时,"food"通常是不可数名词,表示一般的食物概念;"sb." 是 "somebody" 的缩写,代表“某人”;"into doing sth." 表示让某人去做某件事。这个短语通常用于描述一种策略或手法,尤其是在非正式或轻松的语境中。

### 例句

1. She food her kids into cleaning their rooms by promising them ice cream if they finished the task. (她通过承诺如果孩子们完成打扫房间的任务就给他们冰淇淋,以此来哄骗他们做事。)

2. The chef food the customers into ordering the special dish with his tempting descriptions. (厨师用诱人的描述欺骗顾客点了他的特色菜。)

3. He knew she was a chocoholic, so he food her into attending the charity event by mentioning there would be a chocolate fountain. (他知道她是巧克力爱好者,所以他提到慈善活动会有巧克力喷泉来诱使她参加。)

### 同义词辨析

1. **Bribe sb. into doing sth.** - 这个短语比 "food sb. into doing sth." 更具有一种贿赂或非法交易的含义,通常涉及到金钱或其他有价值的物品。

   例句:The politician was accused of bribing voters with cash to secure their support. (这位政治家被指控用现金贿赂选民以获得他们的支持。)

2. **Trick sb. into doing sth.** - "Trick sb. into doing sth." 直译为“欺骗某人做某事”,强调使用诡计或欺骗手段,不一定要涉及食物。

   例句:They tricked him into signing the contract by hiding the fine print. (他们通过隐藏细则欺骗他签了合同。)

3. **Lure sb. into doing sth.** - "Lure sb. into doing sth." 强调用诱饵或诱惑物吸引某人去做某事,可以是食物,也可以是其他形式的诱惑。

   例句:The advertising campaign lured consumers into buying the new product with promises of instant gratification. (广告活动通过承诺立即满足消费者的需求,诱导他们购买新产品。)

4. **Entice sb. into doing sth.** - 这个短语与 "lure" 类似,但可能带有更积极或浪漫的暗示,不过同样可以用来描述食物的诱惑。

   例句:The aroma of freshly baked bread enticed passersby into the bakery. (新鲜出炉的面包香味吸引了过路的人进入面包店。)