**Cheat sb. into doing sth.**



1. 该短语通常用于描述一个故意的、不诚实的行为,涉及欺骗者的主动性和受害者的被动性。

2. 在句子中,"sb." 是“somebody”的缩写,代表“某人”,而 "doing sth." 则表示“正在做某事”。

3. "Cheat sb. into doing sth." 的行为通常带有负面后果,因为受害者在不知情的情况下做出了决定。


1. The con artist cheated the elderly woman into investing all her savings in a fake business opportunity. (骗子欺骗了那位老妇人,让她把所有的积蓄都投资在一个虚假的商业机会上。)

2. The salesperson cheated me into buying an overpriced product by exaggerating its features. (销售人员通过夸大其产品特性欺骗我购买了一款价格过高的产品。)


1. **Deceive sb. into doing sth.** - 这个短语与 "cheat sb. into doing sth." 类似,都强调了通过误导或虚假信息使别人采取行动。例如:The politician deceived voters into supporting his controversial policy. (这位政治家欺骗选民支持他有争议的政策。)

2. **Trick sb. into doing sth.** - “Trick sb. into doing sth.” 强调的是通过狡猾或巧妙的方式诱使他人做某事。例如:The children tricked their parents into letting them stay up late by pretending to be sick. (孩子们假装生病,欺骗父母让他们熬夜。)

3. **Persuade sb. into doing sth.** - 虽然 "persuade" 也有说服的意思,但通常并不涉及欺骗或误导。例如:She persuaded him into joining the gym by highlighting its health benefits. (她通过强调健身的健康益处来说服他加入健身房。)

4. ** Fool sb. into doing sth.** - 这个短语与 "cheat" 类似,但更侧重于对方的天真易骗。例如:The scammer fooled several people into giving away their personal information. (骗子骗了好几个人,让他们泄露了个人信息。)