"Scold sb. for doing sth." 是一个英语短语,用于表示对某人的行为或决定表示不满或愤怒,通常通过言语表达。这个短语中的 "scold" 是动词,意为责备、斥责;"sb." 是指代人的缩写,代表 "somebody" 或 "someone",即某人;"for doing sth." 是介词 "for" 后接动名词形式,表示原因,即因为做了某事而受到责备。


1. 当你想要表达对某人的某个行为的不满时,可以使用此短语。例如,如果你的室友总是忘记关灯,你可以这样责备他:“I scolded him for forgetting to turn off the lights again.”(我责备他再次忘记关灯。)

2. 此短语也可以用在正式或非正式的语境中,根据上下文调整语气的严厉程度。

3. 在口语中,"scold" 可以替换为 "rebuke", "chide", 或 "upbraid" 等词,以增加表达的多样性。


1. She scolded her son for not doing his homework. (她责备儿子没有做作业。)

2. The teacher scolded the student for being late to class. (老师责备学生上课迟到。)

3. The boss scolded the employee for making a mistake in the report. (老板责备员工在报告中犯了错误。)

4. Parents often scold children for not eating their vegetables. (父母经常责备孩子不吃蔬菜。)


1. **Rebuke sb. for doing sth.** - 这个短语的语气比 "scold" 更加正式和严厉,常用于批评或谴责。例如:He rebuked me for my careless behavior.(他谴责我的粗心行为。)

2. **Chide sb. for doing sth.** - "Chide" 的语气稍微轻一些,有时带有一种善意的责备。例如:She chided him for being so impatient.(她责备他太不耐烦了。)

3. **Upbraid sb. for doing sth.** - 这个词通常用于强烈地批评或责备,但也可以带有教育或指导的目的。例如:The coach upbraided the team for their poor performance.(教练因为他们的糟糕表现而严厉批评了队伍。)

4. **Criticize sb. for doing sth.** - 这个词更侧重于分析和评价某人的行为,而不是直接表达愤怒或不满。例如:She criticized his decision for being too impulsive.(她批评他的决定过于冲动。)