"Criticize sb. for doing sth." 是一个英语表达,意为“批评某人做某事”。在这个短语中,“criticize”是动词,表示对某人的行为或观点提出异议或负面评价;“sb.”是代词,代表“somebody”,即“某人”;“for doing sth.”是介词短语,表示批评的原因,其中“doing sth.”是现在分词短语,描述被批评的具体行为。

### 用法:

1. **基本结构**:主语 + criticize + 宾语(sb.)+ for + 现在分词短语(doing sth.)

   例如:I criticized him for being late to the meeting.

2. **语气变化**:根据语境,"criticize"可以表达不同程度的责备,从轻微的指责到强烈的谴责。

3. **否定形式**:不使用“not”来否定,而是使用“not criticize sb. for doing sth.”来表示没有对某人的行为进行批评。

   例如:She didn't criticize him for forgetting the keys, but she was obviously disappointed.

### 例句:

1. The teacher criticized the student for not studying enough before the exam. (老师批评学生考试前没有充分复习。)

2. My boss criticized me for submitting the report late. (我的老板批评我提交报告晚了。)

3. They criticized the government for not taking enough action against climate change. (他们批评政府在应对气候变化方面做得不够。)

### 同义词辨析:

- **Reprimand**: 强调正式或严厉的责备,通常在权威关系中使用,如上司对下属或父母对孩子。

   例如:The coach reprimanded the player for his careless mistake in the game.

- **Scold**: 常用于日常口语中,表达生气或不满时的责骂。

   例如:My mother scolded me for leaving the dishes unwashed.

- **Chide**: 比"scold"稍微温和一些,多用于朋友或亲人之间的责备。

   例如:My friend chided me for skipping breakfast.

- **Condemn**: 表示强烈的谴责或公开反对,通常涉及道德或伦理问题。

   例如:Many people condemned the company for exploiting child labor.

- **Disapprove**: 更侧重于表达不赞同,不一定伴随言语的责备。

   例如:She disapproved of his decision to quit the job without a backup plan.

- **Admonish**: 提醒或警告某人他们的行为可能有不良后果,带有教导的意味。

   例如:The mentor admonished the intern for not following the code of conduct.