**blame sb. for doing sth.**  


这个短语用于表达对某人行为的谴责或不满意,指出他们的错误或不当之处。在使用时,"sb." 代表“某人”,"sth." 代表“某事”,通常是他们被指责的具体行为。


1. **I blamed my roommate for forgetting to pay the electricity bill, which led to our power being cut off.**  



   在这个句子中,"blamed" 是 "blame" 的过去式,表示过去发生的动作;"my roommate" 是 "sb.",是被指责的对象;"for forgetting to pay the electricity bill" 是 "sth.",是被指责的具体行为。

2. **The boss blamed the employee for missing the deadline, despite his valid excuses.**



   在这个例子中,"the boss" 是 "sb.","the employee" 是被指责的对象;"for missing the deadline" 是 "sth.",即被指责的行为。

3. **She blamed him for causing a scene at the party, damaging her reputation.**



   这里,"she" 是 "sb.","him" 是被指责的人;"for causing a scene at the party" 是 "sth.",即他的具体行为。


1. **Accuse sb. of doing sth.**  



   例句:They accused him of stealing from the office.


2. **Criticize sb. for doing sth.**  



   例句:The teacher criticized the student for not preparing adequately for the exam.


3. **Rebuke sb. for doing sth.**  

   这个词的语气比 "blame" 更严厉,通常用于正式或家庭环境中的责备。


   例句:The principal rebuked the students for their disruptive behavior in class.


4. **Chide sb. for doing sth.**  

   "Chide" 比 "rebuke" 的语气稍轻,但仍含有责备的意味,常用于亲密关系或友情中。


   例句:My friend chided me for being late to our meeting.
