"Rid sb. of sth." 是一个英语短语动词,意为“使某人摆脱、去除或消除某事物”。这个短语通常用于描述帮助某人从困境、困扰、痛苦、负担或有害影响中解脱出来的情况。这里的“sb.”代表“somebody”,表示某人;“sth.”代表“something”,表示某事物。


1. **基本用法**

   - "She was kind enough to rid me of my fears." (她好心地帮我消除了恐惧。)

   - "The doctor's treatment rid the patient of the disease." (医生的治疗使病人摆脱了疾病。)

2. **在否定句中的用法**

   - "I can't rid myself of these negative thoughts." (我无法摆脱这些消极的想法。)

   - "No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't rid his mind of her memory." (无论他怎么努力,都无法忘记她的记忆。)

3. **在被动语态中的用法**

   - "The new policy is aimed at ridding the city of pollution." (新政策旨在消除城市的污染。)

   - "The house was finally rid of all the pests by an exterminator." (房子最终由灭虫员清除了所有的害虫。)

4. **搭配介词“of”后的名词**

   - "The support group helped him rid himself of his addiction." (支持小组帮助他戒掉了毒瘾。)

   - "They worked together to rid the neighborhood of crime." (他们共同努力使社区摆脱了犯罪。)


1. **Free sb. from sth.**

   - "The rescue team freed the trapped miners from the collapsed mine." (救援队伍将被困矿工从坍塌的矿井中解救出来。)

   - 这个短语强调的是从物理或心理上的束缚、困境中解放出来。

2. **Release sb. from sth.**

   - "The company released her from her contract due to financial difficulties." (公司因财务困难解除了她的合同。)

   - 这个短语通常用于解除责任、义务或合同等正式场合。

3. **Liberate sb. from sth.**

   - "The liberation army liberated the town from the enemy's control." (解放军建立了对城镇的控制。)

   - 这个词更具有解放、解放的意味,常用于政治或军事背景下。

4. **Discharge sb. of sth.**

   - "The hospital discharged the patient of her duties as soon as she recovered." (医院在病人康复后解除了她的职责。)

   - 这个短语在法律或医疗环境中使用较多,表示解除职责或义务。