"Remind sb. of sth." 是一个常用的英语短语,意为“使某人回想起某事物或某个情况”。它通常用于描述某件事情、一个场景或者一句话触发了某人的记忆,使他们回忆起过去的事情。这个短语在日常对话和书面表达中都十分常见。


1. 主动语态:A (人或事物) reminds B (人) of C (某情况或事物)

   例如:The old photo reminds me of our childhood adventures. (这张旧照片让我想起了我们的童年冒险。)

2. 被动语态:sb. is reminded of sth.

   例如:When I hear that song, I am always reminded of my college days. (每当听到那首歌,我总会想起我的大学时光。)

3. 过去式:reminded sb. of sth.

   例如:She reminded him of their first date, and he smiled fondly. (她让他想起了他们的第一次约会,他深情地笑了。)


1. The smell of freshly baked bread reminds me of my grandmother's kitchen. (新鲜面包的香味让我想起了祖母的厨房。)

2. His smile instantly reminded her of the happy times they spent together. (他的笑容立刻让她想起了他们一起度过的快乐时光。)

3. Hearing the rain on the roof reminds me of the peaceful nights in my countryside home. (听到雨打在屋顶的声音让我想起了我在乡村家中的宁静夜晚。)


1. **Cause sb. to recall sth.**:与 "remind sb. of sth." 类似,也表示“使某人回想起某事”,但语气稍微正式一些。

   例如:The sound of the ocean causes me to recall my summer vacation at the beach. (海洋的声音让我想起了在海滩度过的暑假。)

2. **Bring back memories**:这个短语强调重新唤起过去的记忆。

   例如:The old album brings back so many memories of our school days. (这本旧相册勾起了我们许多学校时光的回忆。)

3. **Jog one's memory**:通常用于指某事刺激了某人的记忆,使他们想起某事。

   例如:Can you jog my memory about what happened yesterday? I seem to have forgotten. (你能帮我回忆一下昨天发生了什么吗?我好像忘记了。)

4. **Stir up memories**:这个短语强调引发或激起对往事的记忆。

   例如:The familiar melody stirred up memories of their youth. (这首熟悉的旋律勾起了他们青春的回忆。)