`Cure sb. of sth.` 是一个英语短语,意为“治愈某人的某种疾病或问题”。这里的 "cure" 指的是完全消除疾病或状况,使某人恢复健康或正常状态。这个短语通常用于医疗或心理治疗的语境中。


这个短语的基本结构是 "动词 cure + 间接宾语 sb. + 直接宾语 sth.",其中 "sb." 是人,"sth." 是指疾病或困扰。例如:

- The new medicine cured her of the chronic headache. (这种新药治好了她的慢性头痛。)

- The therapy seemed to have cured him of his anxiety. (治疗似乎治愈了他的焦虑。)


1. The experienced doctor was able to cure the patient of a rare disease that had puzzled other physicians. (这位经验丰富的医生成功地治愈了那位患有罕见疾病的病人,而其他医生对此束手无策。)

2. After months of physical therapy, she was finally cured of her back pain. (经过几个月的物理治疗,她终于摆脱了背痛。)

3. The psychologist's guidance cured the child of his phobia of dogs. (心理咨询师的指导治愈了孩子对狗的恐惧症。)

4. The support group helped cure him of his addiction to alcohol. (互助小组帮助他戒掉了酒瘾。)


1. **Heal sb. from sth.** - 这个短语也表示治愈疾病或恢复健康,但强调的是自然恢复的过程,而非外在干预。例如:"Time healed her from the emotional wounds." (时间治愈了她的情感创伤。)

2. **Treat sb. for sth.** - 意为“治疗某人的某种病症”,但并不保证一定能治愈,可能还在治疗过程中。例如:"The doctor is treating her for a broken leg." (医生正在为她治疗骨折。)

3. **Recover sb. from sth.** - 强调从疾病或伤害中恢复过来,但不一定完全治愈,可能还有后遗症。例如:"She recovered from the surgery but still had some mobility issues." (她手术后恢复了,但还是有些行动不便。)

4. **Cure sb.'s illness** 或 **Cure sb.'s condition** - 这两个表达更具体,直接指明是疾病或状况的治愈,不涉及心理问题。例如:"The operation cured her illness completely." (手术彻底治好了她的病。)