"Serve sb. sth." 和 "Serve sth. to sb." 是英语中表示“拿某物招待某人”或“提供服务给某人”的两种表达方式。它们在日常对话、商务交流以及书面语中都十分常见,通常用于描述给予食物、饮料、帮助或任何形式的服务。


1. "Serve sb. sth." 这个结构中,"sb." 是直接宾语,"sth." 是间接宾语。例如:

   - I served my guests some tea. (我给客人端上了茶。)

2. "Serve sth. to sb." 中,"sth." 作为直接宾语,"to sb." 作为介词短语,表示对象。例如:

   - The waiter served the main course to our table. (服务员给我们这桌上了主菜。)


1. Serve sb. sth.

   - She served her friend a warm meal after a long day at work. (她在朋友劳累一天后为他准备了一顿热饭。)

   - The doctor serves the community by providing free health check-ups. (医生通过提供免费体检来服务社区。)

2. Serve sth. to sb.

   - Could you serve the salad to everyone, please? (请你把沙拉分给大家好吗?)

   - The airline serves refreshments to passengers during the flight. (航空公司会在飞行途中为乘客提供点心。)


- **Offer**: 表示主动提供,通常指未实际提供之前的行为。

   - We offered them a place to stay for the night. (我们提出让他们过夜。)

- **Provide**: 强调供应或提供必需品、服务等。

   - The company provides its employees with health insurance. (公司为员工提供医疗保险。)

- **Entertain**: 更侧重于款待或娱乐客人,常与食物和饮料相关。

   - They entertained us with delicious food and lively conversation. (他们以美食和愉快的交谈款待了我们。)

- **Attend to**: 常用于服务行业,表示照料或满足某人的需求。

   - The nurse attended to the patient's immediate needs. (护士照顾了病人当时的需要。)