**"Send sb. sth." 和 "Send sth. to sb." 句型释义与用法**

这两个短语在英语中都表示“把某物送给某人”的意思,但它们的结构略有不同。"Send sb. sth." 的结构是直接对象(sth.)在前,间接对象(sb.)在后,而 "Send sth. to sb." 则将间接对象放在了动词后面,用介词 "to" 连接。两者的含义并无差异,只是在句子构建时的语序有所区别。


1. **Send sb. sth.:**

   - I'll send you a birthday card. (我会给你寄一张生日卡片。)

   - She sent me a message congratulating me on my promotion. (她给我发了一条信息,祝贺我升职。)

2. **Send sth. to sb.:**

   - Could you send the report to Mr. Johnson? (你能把报告发给约翰逊先生吗?)

   - They've sent the package to our office address. (他们已经把包裹寄到我们的办公地址了。)



1. **Deliver sth. to sb.:**

   - The courier will deliver the package to your doorstep. (快递员会把包裹送到你的家门口。)


2. **Pass sth. on to sb.:**

   - Please pass on the book to your sister when you're finished with it. (你看完书后,请把它转交给你的妹妹。)

3. **Forward sth. to sb.:**

   - If you receive any emails about the conference, please forward them to me. (如果你收到关于会议的任何邮件,请转发给我。)

4. **Transmit sth. to sb.:**

   - The satellite transmits the signal to receivers all around the world. (卫星将信号传输到全球的接收器。)

5. **Convey sth. to sb.:**

   - The teacher conveyed the importance of hard work in her speech. (老师在演讲中传达了努力工作的重要性。)