"Return sb. sth." 和 "return sth. to sb." 这两种表达方式在英语中都用于表示将某物归还给某人的概念,但它们在句子结构上略有不同。下面我们将详细解释这两种表达方式的含义、用法,并通过实例进行解析,同时也会探讨一些同义词和近义表达。


1. **Return sb. sth.**:这个短语直译为“返回某人某物”,其中“sb.”代表“someone”(某人),而“sth.”代表“something”(某物)。它强调的是动作的对象,即“还给谁”。

2. **Return sth. to sb.**:这个短语则更侧重于动作的方向,即“把某物还回给某人”的过程。这里的“to sb.”明确了物品的去向。


1. **Return sb. sth.** 用法示例:

   - I returned Tom his book after I finished reading it. (我读完书后把书还给了汤姆。)

   - She returned me the money I lent her last week. (她把我上周借给她的钱还给了我。)

2. **Return sth. to sb.** 用法示例:

   - Please return the keys to the reception when you leave the hotel. (离开酒店时,请把钥匙还给前台。)

   - He decided to return the faulty product to the manufacturer for a refund. (他决定把有问题的产品退回制造商以获取退款。)


- **Give back**:This phrase is often used interchangeably with "return" in most contexts.

   - I'll give back your sweater as soon as I find it. (我一找到你的毛衣就还给你。)

- **Repay**:主要用于指偿还金钱或物品。

   - She promised to repay the loan within a month. (她答应一个月内偿还贷款。)

- **Restitute**:在法律或正式场合使用,强调恢复原状或赔偿。

   - The thief was ordered to restitute the stolen goods to their rightful owner. (小偷被命令将失窃物品归还原主。)

- **Hand back**:在口语中,尤其是在学校或工作场所,这个词组常用来表示归还物品。

   - The teacher asked us to hand back our textbooks at the end of the semester. (老师让我们在学期结束时交回课本。)