"Pass sb. sth." 和 "Pass sth. to sb." 是英语中常见的动宾短语,它们都表示将某物从一个人传递给另一个人的动作。这里的 "pass" 意为“传递”,"sb." 代表“someone”(某人),"sth." 代表“something”(某物)。




1. **Pass me the salt, please.** / **Please pass the salt to me.** (请把盐递给我。)

2. **She passed her friend the book.** / **She passed the book to her friend.** (她把书递给了她的朋友。)

3. **Pass the message on to your colleagues.** / **Pass your colleagues the message.** (把这个消息转告你的同事们。)

4. **He passed the responsibility of organizing the event to his assistant.** / **He passed his assistant the responsibility of organizing the event.** (他把组织活动的责任交给了他的助手。)


- **Hand over**: 这个短语通常用于正式场合或法律背景下,表示转移所有权或权力。例如:"The contract was handed over to the new manager."(合同交给了新经理。)

- **Give to**: 直接表示给予,通常不涉及物理传递的动作。例如:"Can you give the report to the boss?"(你能把报告给老板吗?)

- **Transfer**: 多用于抽象事物的传递,如权利、信息或资金。例如:"The rights to the property were transferred to his son."(财产的所有权转移到了他的儿子。)

- **Convey**: 常用于传递信息、情感或意思。例如:"The letter conveyed her deep gratitude."(那封信表达了她深深的感激之情。)