"Owe sb. sth." 和 "owe sth. to sb." 是英语中表达“欠某人某物”或“对某人有所亏欠”的两种常见结构。它们在意义上是等价的,都强调了一个人因为某种原因需要给予、偿还或补偿另一个人。

1. **Owe sb. sth.**


2. **Owe sth. to sb.**

   这个结构则将“某物”放在“欠”之后,但含义相同。这里的“to sb.”表明了“欠”的对象。


1. **Owe sb. sth.**

   - I owe my friend $100. (我欠我朋友100美元。)

   - She owes me an apology for her rude behavior.(她因她的粗鲁行为欠我一个道歉。)

2. **Owe sth. to sb.**

   - I owe a debt of gratitude to my teacher for guiding me.(我对我老师的指导心存感激。)

   - They owe their success to hard work and determination.(他们的成功归功于辛勤工作和坚定的决心。)


1. **Owing to sb./sth.:**

   这个短语也表示“由于,因为”,与“owe sth. to sb.”相似,但不涉及实际的欠款或债务。例如:

   - Owing to his dedication, he was promoted.(由于他的奉献,他得到了晋升。)

2. **Be in debt to sb.:**


   - I'm currently in debt to the bank for my mortgage.(我现在欠银行一笔房贷。)

3. **Be beholden to sb.:**


   - We're beholden to our volunteers for making this event possible.(我们感谢志愿者们使这次活动成为可能。)

4. **Be responsible to sb.:**


   - As a parent, you're responsible to your children for their well-being.(作为父母,你对孩子的生活幸福负有责任。)